Radha Soami Satsang Beas
Radha Swami (at River Beas) teachnig directly deals with the Path of the Masters and The Path of Love.Radha Soami Satsang Beas "is a scientific method of … [God realization] within us, while we are still living in the here and now," according to Great Satguru Maharaj Charan Singh Ji , the previous Living Master. It is "a school of practical spiritual training for God realisation" and "does not consist of any rites, rituals, ceremonies, dogmas, priesthood, or church or temple worship."
"Living in the world and discharging all our obligations towards wife, children, relatives, friends, and humanity, we have simply to turn our heart Godward. The saints' teachings are very simple. They say that all the woe, misery, and anguish that is the lot of the human race are due to our sad separation from God. This world, which we love so much, is not our true home. "Unless [the soul] returns to its ancient original home, its sorrows and sufferings cannot and will not end. For this purpose, it need not seek anywhere outside of itself. Our body is the temple within which the Lord resides.
RadhaSoami Dhyan: Surat Sabd Yog
"Second is dhyan, or contemplation on the immortal form of the Master. This helps in keeping the attention fixed at that centre. "Third is bhajan, or listening to the Anahad Shabd or celestial music that is constantly reverberating within us. With the help of this divine melody, the soul ascends to higher regions and ultimately reaches the feet of the Lord. Radha Soami Satsang Beas, a Spiritual Centre in Northern India Beas (Punjab), their teachings and philosophies are really amazing and based on the scientific methods rather than just only belief or superstitions. A human being can attain true salvation by just following their paths, which basically includes, leading a moral life and practicing the "Paanch Naam". Radha Soami is not a myth or a way adopted from any superstitions but it's a scientific approach for the true Seekers of truth and salvation."Pratham sant satsang suhana, Sadhu sang se upaje gyana.
Duji bhakti param sukhdata, Chitt laga sun meri ghatha.
Taj abhiman karo guru seva, Bhramha Vishnu shiv sam guru deva.
Ho niskapat mera gun gayan, Kare so pave raam rasayan.
Drid vishvas rakh nij antar, Raam mantra kar jaap nirantar.
Indriya vash kar charit sambhalo, Sadgun dhar dharm neet palo
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