Monday, 19 November 2012


Jagat_Singh_Ji"Sardar Bahadur Jagat Singh Ji"
Maharaj Jagat Singh Ji, Sant Sat Guru, Radha Soami Satsang Beas was born on the 20th July, 1884 at Nussi, a small village not very far from Beas in the Punjab, India. He received His education in the Mission School at Jalandhar and later took his M.Sc. degree in Chemistry. He joined the Punjab Agricultural College, Lyallpur, in 1911 as Assistant Professor of Chemistry and retired as Vice Principal of the institution in 1943. On December 28, 1910 he was initiated into the Mystic Practice of Surat Shabd Yoga or Nam Bhakti by Huzur Maharaj Baba Sawan Singh Ji. He practised it very assiduously and conscientiously and, even as a professor, He was popularly known among the staff as well as the students as 'Guru Ji'. He had only two interests - His official duties and His spiritual practices, both of which were performed with unusual fervour. His faith in the Satguru was unshakeable.
Always ready to pass on to others the credit due to Him, never standing for any show, He was unostentatious to an amazing degree. Many are the instances where He anonymously paid fees for students, even educated some abroad, without their having ever known who the donor was and without Himself knowing the donees.
Throughout his long service He made it a point to spend most of his weekends with his Baba Sawan Singh Ji Maharaj at the Dera, and many a person in Lyallpur owes initiation from Huzur Maharaj Sawan Singh Ji to His solicitude for them.
After his retirement in 1943, He spent practically all his time in meditation and Shabd Abhyas (Practice) till He assumed charge of His Master's work at Beas in April 1948 and engrossed Himself fully in carrying out the functions and duties entrusted to Him, despite His indifferent health.
He departed from this world on October 23rd, 1951.

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